Offerings available


Commission a personal, fine-art, painting.

A painting is a slice of an ever-transient dreamscape. Similar to taking a screenshot of a full-length movie.
Just as a movie, or music.. or even a plane, or a train, or car can transport us to another land, so can a painting.
Similarly to how we can steer and direct a car, we can direct a painting process. We can create a portal for empowerment and/or exploration… we can conjure a spiritual rendering reflective of the beauty of your own spirit. We can pretty much do anything we want with the painting process!

Rates start at $3.00 per square inch for full-detail and vary by requirements. This process is established through an “old-master’s” technique layering tempera and oil paints.


Mural play

Murals are a way to bring your message to the streets as visual art. An invitation for any passerby to pause and “smell the roses”. Portraying a narrative of the environment, the land, the people. Asking the viewer to consider this story for a moment.
It’s also a great way to decorate a big empty wall.

Rates start at $25 a square foot and vary by requirements and requests.

Live painting

Add a unique ambiance to any occasion with the unfolding of a new, one-off painting. From fresh, blank canvas to a fulfilling image; resonant with the energy of your occasion.
An opportunity for you, or someone else present, to take home an artifact that bookmarks the special occasion in time.


Creativity consultations and lessons

I offer feedback regarding creative processes, bringing ideas to life, and ways to navigate hindrances we encounter along the way; by reflecting upon lessons I’ve learned from engaging with the creative process through painting.

I’m also available for sharing knowledge. Knowledge in painting with acrylics and oils, as well as playing the didgeridoo

Rates for consulting and sharing start at $50 per hour and vary with requirements and requests.